本次会议录用文章将由英国皇家物理学会出版社(IOP) 旗下期刊(Journal of Physics; ISSN 1742-6596)在线出版,并提交CPCI, Scopus, Ei Compendex, Inspec检索。
ICPMS 2018只录用在相关研究领域高质量的原创文章,严禁任何形式的抄袭,造假,一稿多投等学术不端行为,一经查出,后果由作者自行承担。
ICPMS2018 会议论文集(录用139篇文章)已正式出版在IOP (Journal of Physics: Conference Series), 敬请查看: http://iopscience.iop.org/issue/1742-6596/1053/1 。见刊消息已通过邮件发送给所有作者,请注意查收。
ICPMS2018 已于2018年5月12至14日在中国上海成功召开。组委会衷心感谢各位作者,专家,学者对本次会议的大力支持。在此特别感谢ICPMS2018审稿人的辛勤付出。ICPMS2019已正式启动,期待您的参与。
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ICPMS 2018 为 IOP Conference Series 2018年第3季度重点支持会议。
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Online ISSN: 1742-6596
Print ISSN: 1742-6588
Indexed by Ei Compendex, Scopus, CPCI, Inspec, etc
Journal of Physics 目前检索正常,广大作者可以登录贵校EI,web of science数据库,自行检查检索情况。
Journal of Physics: Conference Series隶属于英国皇家物理学会出版社(IOP)旗下,为EI刊源,收录于2018年最新更新的EI期刊目录中,作者可自行查询。其中本会议发表的期刊 Journal of Physics: Conference Series 在期刊栏第2712行。
新录用文章 (截至:2018年3月22日)
ICPMS11038: About specialities of numerical estimation of smoothing parameter of probability density functions of random sequences in Parzen-Rosenblatt approximation
S V Porshnev and A S Koposov
Abstract: The methods of nonparametric statistics are very useful in data analysis. One of the most popular methods is called Parzen-Rosenblatt approximation. This method turns out to be effective, for example, in a problem …
ICPMS18627: Impact factors for static instability of Mars Pathfinder entry at small angle of attack
JunMing Lyu, WenBo Miao, Fei Huang and XiaoLi Cheng
Abstract: Martian atmosphere brings a new challenge for computational fluid dynamics in aerodynamic prediction of Mars entry vehicles. Three-dimensional laminar Navier-Stokes equations with high temperature gas model have been solved to simulate …
ICPMS13282: A new Privacy Protection scheme for Cloud Computing based on physical unclonable function
Pengjie Liu, Xiaotong Zheng, Feng Wang, Wenli Ren
Abstract: With the emergence of cloud storage, cloud computing privacy data security issues have always been the research focus. In order to solve the problem, a secure and reliable cloud storage scheme for privacy data protection is proposed …
ICPMS19089: PDa-type Iterative Learning Control for Fractional Delay Systems
Yan Li, Ling Zhang, Beibei Hu
Abstract: This paper presents a -type iterative learning control for the fractional-order nonlinear systems with delay. By introducing the -norm and the maximum norm, the convergence of the tracking errors under …
ICPMS14848: Ferroelectric PVDF Films and Graphene-based Composites
V S Bystrov, I K Bdikin, M V Silibin, etc.
Abstract: Advantages in the studies of new composite nanomaterials based on polymer ferroelectrics and graphene are presented. We analyzed the main results of the computational molecular modeling of nanostructures and the pyroelectric properties of the composites …
ICPMS15896: Geometry of Principal Stress Trajectories for a Tresca Material under Axial Symmetry
S Alexandrov, E A Lyamina and T Nguyen-Thoi
Abstract: In the case of Tresca’s yield criterion it is usually convenient to subdivide all possible deformations into two subclasses: deformations corresponding to a face of the yield surface and deformation corresponding to an edge of the yield …
ICPMS13230: Projective lag synchronization of different fractional order chaotic systems based on parameter identification
X S Zhao, Z Y Zhan, T Xv and Y Lu
Abstract: Projective lag synchronization (LPS) of two different structural fractional order hyperchaotic systems with unknown parameters is investigated. The stability theorem of fractional order linear systems is the basis of designing a scheme …
ICPMS18988: On Discrete Flow Networks Model Spectra: Statements, Simulation, Hypotheses
A P Buslaev, M Ju Fomina1, A G Tatashev and M V Yashina
Abstract: A deterministic dynamical system is considered. A supporter of the system is a closed chain of contours. There are N = 2n cells and particles cluster on each contour. Each cluster contains k particles over k sequential …
ICPMS17189: Generation of Artificial Seismic Wave and Structure-TMD Parameter Optimization Based on the New Seismic Code Considering Site Soil Properties
XJ Wang, MJ Xiang, YQ Dong, etc.
Abstract: In this paper, parameters of site soils based on the new seismic code are adopted and the stochastic ground motion generation method based on the modified YX Hu-XY Zhou model is used to generate reasonable and reliable artificial …
ICPMS11215: Counting Rooted Nearly Cubic Planar Maps
Abstract: In this paper it is provided that a functional equation for enumerating rooted nearly cubic planar maps with the valency of root-vertex, the size and the valency of root-face of the maps as three parameters. In particular, the number of rooted nearly cubic planar maps …
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